Martes, 16 de noviembre de 2021

Economía Internacional

Biden excluye a Bolivia de una cumbre – El Deber
Bolivia: Mientras el gas sube, el país no cumple entregas – El Deber
Bolivia: Se agotan megacampos y producción baja 3,5% anual – Los Tiempos
Bolivia: El MAS abroga la Ley 1386 en la Cámara de Diputados – Página Siete
El Salvador: El FMLN: el poder por el poder mismo – Manuel Hinds
Cuba: Protestas fracasan bajo la presión del Gobierno – América Economía
Argentina: Vuelta a los fracasados planes Quinquenal y Trienal – Roberto Cachanosky
Brasil: Por que “estimular a demanda” sempre será um atentado à lógica – Anthony P. Geller
Brazil: High inflation returns: ‘each week there are different prices’ – Financial Times
España: Álvarez de Toledo destroza a su jefe, Pablo Casado – Infobae
¿Gran apagón de luz? Crisis energética e inflación – Daniel Lacalle
Thoughts on Democratic Choice – Donald J. Boudreaux
The Endless Harm of $15B Tax On Elon Musk Will Be Unseen – John Tamny
The Rich Pay More Than ‘Fair Share,’ and the Left Knows It – David Eisner
Inflation Has Run Hot for a Long Time, and the Fed Knows It – Barron’s
Why Should Economists Dislike Higher Inflation? – Tyler Cowen
Surging inflation under Biden is hurting one group especially hard – Fox Business
Since 2008, Monetary Policy Has Cost American Savers about $4 Trillion – Alex J. Pollock
Financial System Would Collapse if Fed Tapers, Inflation Spiking – Doug Casey
Germany suspends certification of Nord Stream 2 pipeline – Financial Times
Underinvestment May Lead To Series of Energy Crunches – Daniel Yergin
The Real Reason Russia Isn’t Pumping More Gas – Alex Kimani
¿Despierta el fracking? La AIE cree que el petróleo habría tocado techo – El Economista
Has the ‘crypto winter’ arrived? Selloff sends bitcoin under $60,000 – MarketWatch
China tiñe de rojo las ‘criptos’ tras reafirmar que son ilegales – Cotizalia
China vuelve a golpear a las criptos: el bitcoin retrocede un 7% – El Economista
Biden’s Infrastructure Plan Is Now Law. The Work Can Begin – Barron’s
Gary Shilling’s Guide to the Post-Pandemic Economy, Part 2 – Gary Shilling

Wealth Management

Long Live the Library – Craig Shapiro
Asia takes the lead on the world stage – Pictet Wealth Management
Inflación, mayor riesgo para la renta fija que para la variable – Pictet Asset Management
Green Investing May Be a Bubble, Jeremy Grantham Says – Bloomberg
Bill Gross: Investors lulled into ‘dreamland’ by central banks – Financial Times
This Is What Hedge Funds Bought And Sold In Q3: Complete 13F Summary – Zero Hedge
This Is How They Intend To Get Us To “You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy” – Michael Snyder
Fund managers make their biggest bets on U.S. stocks in 8 years – MarketWatch

The post Martes, 16 de noviembre de 2021 appeared first on Mauricio Ríos García.

Mauricio Ríos García